How does posture therapy differ from chiropractic, physical, or massage therapy?

Most forms of therapy focus exclusively on the area causing pain, whereas posture therapy is a whole body approach. It is a form of therapy that you learn to do yourself opposed to something done to you, which puts healing power in you hands and provides confidence to gain back control of your own body.

I have tried types of physical therapy before, and I still experience pain, why is this different?

Postural Therapy uses methods that are geared toward the way you position and utilize your body in the gravitational field seeking to influence body-wide integration. Many other therapies still focus attention more narrowly on segments or parts of the body. Most often, the cause for chronic pain and muscle tightness inhibiting movement in the body is a body-wide phenomenon involving both the areas of pain and those far from the location of the pain, as well as other factors such as the emotional state.

How long until I see and feel results

Most people experience change in their first session. As the process continues these changes increase. Change does not happen over night. It’s a process.

How many sessions will I need?

There is really no way to approximate how many sessions someone will need. The human body is not a machine. Our mind, emotions, nervous systems and other factors are unique and there are many factors that influence chronic pain and how the human body responds to various kinds of stimuli.

How long will I need to keep doing the exercises?

Those who want to continue to enjoy the long term benefits will incorporate those things in their life that help them to maintain and improve. Most people discover certain aspects or exercises are more important and tend to build them into their life.

Do the movements require specific equipment.

Most of the exercises can be done without equipment or as much as a chair or wall.

I am athletic and/or not suffering with pain. Are there benefits to posture therapy for me?

Yes, many sports create imbalances in the body which can result in pain and injuries, which may not show up until many years down the road. Improving posture, function and movement, can improve athletic ability and prevent future problems.