Healing Movement
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Many people believe chronic pain is just part of life, the aging process, or an active lifestyle, and is something they can’t change, but thats not true. Whether you are suffering with pain and muscle tightness, recovering from an injury, surgery, want to improve athletic performance or are just interested in improving how you feel and move “Healing Movement” can help.  

I utilize Postural Therapy and Somatics to assist help people to learn how to restore healthy, functional movement that feels good. In addition to seeing students for private posture and movement coaching sessions, I teach Tai Chi as a method through which to strengthen and reinforce functional posture and movement, and as a whole human being health maintenance practice.

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Posture Therapy

 Posture Therapy focuses on correcting posture and movement habits that create pain and limit mobility by improving whole-body alignment through the use of gentle exercises, stretches, and static positions that are designed to create balance throughout the body.  The practice has proven to be effective at helping people to reduce and eliminate chronic pain that’s caused by imbalances in the musculoskeletal system in order to help optimize use of the body in daily life, and in athletic pursuits.  Originally created by Pete Egoscue, who founded the Egoscue Method of Postural Therapy in the early 1970’s, the practice primarily focuses on improving symmetry and alignment of the load bearing joints in order to facilitate free, healthy, movement that feels good.  When we feel pain in the musculoskeletal system, it is often the result of misalignment of the joints and imbalances in muscle tension relationships that result in  muscular compensation, wherein muscles attempt to do the work that other muscles are not doing, which can create restrictions in mobility, and pain.  And, because the body is meant to function as a unit, imbalances can result in pain anywhere within the system, which means the site of your pain may not be the source of your pain.  Posture Therapy differs from many other approaches in that  it does not treat the site of the pain (the symptom).  Rather, it seeks to restore balance by bringing the entire body back into alignment.

Somatic Movement

Somatic Movement is a practice that involves learning how to move through awareness of the body as experienced from within, using what is often referred to as the “felt sense”.  Somatic movements are exploratory, without a specific end result in mind, and are typically performed very slowly because this is the natural way the human nervous system learns to control muscle tension, posture and movement.   It is the method through which we all learn how to use our bodies in early human development as infants and toddlers.  No one teaches us how to move, we learn it on our own through interaction with our environment with sensory awareness during the early developmental stages of life when all the exists is that which we take in through our basic senses.  As a therapeutic practice, Somatic Movement/Education utilizes movement experiments and explorations, and sometimes more structured exercises to help you re-program  faulty patterns that may be creating tightness in the muscles, pain and limited mobility.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese practice for cultivating health and longevity.  Founded on the principles of nature, Tai Chi is a proven method for creating a sense of calm and well-being in the body/mind/spirit.  Its gentle, circular, flowing movements, paired with deep relaxed breathing strengthen and condition the entire body providing a myriad of health benefits.  As a movement method Tai Chi is unrivaled in its ability to combine all facets of human movement engaging the nervous system through awareness, the art helps to develop and condition the entire human organism through training of the felt senses, interoception, proprioception, kinesthetic senses.  As a somatic practice, the principles of tai chi teach can help a person to learn how to use their entire body with maximum efficiency in anything they are doing, and while Tai Chi is primarily thought of in the mainstream as being a form of  exercise, the movements, and meditative synchronization with the breath have the capacity to take the practitioner far beyond the physical body into the spiritual and emotional realm.  As such, Tai Chi is actually a whole being cultivation practice



Improve Posture and Movement

Improve your Life









Posture, Movement and Breathing are inexorably linked. Imbalances in one create imbalances in the other and since all functions of the body are influenced by breathing, when our breathing is restricted nothing in the body functions as nature intended. As posture and movement improve breathing improves which helps encourage balance throughout the entire body and all of its systems.


Chronic Pain can trigger the nervous system into a defensive reflex that over time can result in a habitual pattern of tension in the body which taxes the adrenals and can lead to you feeling tired, anxious and depressed. When posture and movement improve and chronic pain goes away, the nervous system becomes more well regulated; which can lead to feeling more calm, rested, in control, less anxious and depressed.


Posture, Movement and the Self-Image reflect one another like a mirror reflects the light. It has been said that the physical body is the outward manifestation of that which exists within. As such our emotions influence our posture and movement patterns that evolve throughout our life. A shift in our emotions can have a profound impact on how we arrange and move our body, and a change in our body position or posture can influence our emotional state.

Services and Pricing:

Postural Therapy/Somatic Movement

In Studio/Online

Your initial session includes a review your health history, symptoms/pain, and an assessment of your posture, gait and function. After your assessment we will briefly discuss your posture and movement patterns as they relate to your pain and other symptoms, identify your goals and begin to formulate an approach to help you improve how you are using your body.

During your session, I will create a menu of exercises, guide you through the exercises, and answer any questions you have. The same day you will receive an email with a link to your exercise menu that includes photos, written instructions and videos of each exercise. After the session ends, you go home and practice your exercises for a period of time, usually 1-2 weeks, then return for another session.

Initial Session: 90 minutes

Subsequent Sessions: 60 minutes.

Online-Therapy Option offers the same high-quality guided therapy as in In-Studio Sessions, but can be done from the comfort and convenience of your own home.

*Free Consultation

Schedule a FREE 20 minute Online consultation and we can discuss your medical history, current pain and/or symptoms and how improving your posture and movement patterns can help.

Posture Therapy/Somatic Movement Prices

Single Session $150

4 Sessions $500


Single Session $125

4 Sessions. $450

Tai Chi Lessons/Instruction

Group Tai Chi/Qigong Class Online (Zoom):

This class includes instruction in warm-ups, qigong, and the Yang style Tai Chi Solo Form in an ongoing weekly format. Classes meet once per week on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30pm on Zoom throughout the year and currently follows a 3 trimester schedule meeting for a Fall, Winter, and combined Spring/Summer session.

Tuition: $100-$175 per trimester (based on # of weeks)

Private Tai Chi/Qigong Starter Class Online or *In-Person:

The Private Tai Chi/Qigong Starter class consists of 6 one hour lessons for the beginning student and is focused on learning  basic warm-ups, qigong, fundamentals, and tai-chi drills in a one-on-one setting, with time for questions and answers.   The class ideally will progress over a 6 week period, which allows time for practice in order to begin to embody the basic skills to start building a foundation for daily practice.  The private series allows me to provide my undivided attention to the individual student, and offers the ability to tailor or adjust the training based on an individual students level of understanding, strength, balance and overall fitness.   This is a good primer for new students who are investigating the practice and will help you transition into Online Group Tai Chi classes or Private Tai Chi/Qigong Lessons.

Starter Series format is instructor led, interactive covering basic foundational concepts.  

Tuition: $299

Private Tai Chi/Qigoing Online or *In-Person: 

Private lessons can be used by Group Online Students for special focused attention to address specific questions, challenges, or issues and for refinement and clarification, or as means through which to cultivate and design a unique practice.  Private instruction is also a good choice for someone who either prefers the one-on-one study model, or who can’t make it to regular group online classes.  Private lessons allow for me to focus full attention on one student and their specific needs which is not possible in a group class setting.  

Private Instruction format is interactive combining instruction with time for question and answer to address your specific developmental needs.  

Tuition: $50 per hour. 

 -Package of 6 Lessons $249

Cancellation Policy

Appointment’s cancelled less than 24 hours in advance may be accessed a late cancellation fee equal to the cost of the missed session.


Office Location

Minnetonka, MN (Open By Appointment Only)

11621 Live Oak Drive

Minnetonka, MN 55305


Bayfield, WI (Open By Appointment Only)

10 South 5th Street

Bayfield, WI 54814


Get Started Today



 About Marty

Marty’s interest in human movement and healing began in 1980, when he began to study the martial arts. He continued to study and practice several styles of martial arts through high-school and college then embarked on a career in federal law enforcement. Over the next 20 years he added Ashtanga and Yin Yoga to his studies, and was drawn to interest in massage therapy as a result of injuries and chronic hip and shoulder pain. In addition to exploring many different forms of bodywork for his own health, he earned a basic certification in Swedish massage.

However, the defining moment that led him to intensify his studies came when he sustained a serious knee injury while practicing Aikido in 2004. After an initial surgical procedure, he was referred to a prominent sports medicine surgeon who recommended additional surgery, but he found no strong evidence in any of the studies that had been done on the procedure to support the risks involved and he decided to look for another answer.

Soon thereafter he discovered the Egoscue Method of Postural Therapy and within only a few sessions with a certified therapist he began to notice significant improvement in the chronic pain with which he had suffered for many years. In late 2004, he began to explore Chinese Medicine and after begin treated by an MD from China, he started to study Tai Chi, Qigong and other Taoist healing arts. Over the next year his knee healed, all of his chronic pain cleared up he noticed significant improvements in sleep, digestion, and his overall sense of well-being.

In 2008 he returned to school to earn a Masters Degree in Human Development, began to explore a variety of Somatic Movement methods including the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais Method, Kinetic Awareness, and Hanna Somatic’s, then became certified in the Egoscue Method.

In 2018 he retired from federal law enforcement and founded “Healing Movement”with the intention of helping those suffer with chronic pain, or who simply want to improve the quality of their lives through movement and other natural practices.

Marty draws on his background and training in the Egoscue Method, Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Yoga, as well as his studies in Somatic’s and other eastern and western healing and wellness methods in his practice. He teaches Tai Chi and Qigong both within his therapy practice and independently, as a method through which to heal, maintain health and longevity.

Marty is certified as a Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS) with the Egoscue Method, holds an M.A. in Human Development- Holistic Health and Wellness, from St. Mary’s University in Minneapolis, and has been studying and practicing movement arts including Aikido, Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and a variety of Somatic methods for over 40 years.

In addition to his work in human movement, he is the co-founder of Wild Rice Retreat, a year-round respite on the shores of Lake Superior in Bayfield, Wisconsin. Founded on the pillars of expression, movement, and nourishment, Wild Rice Retreat offers resort stays for guests looking to curate their own getaway and guided retreats for those looking for an instructor led experience. The retreat offers a safe and vibrant space for grounding the mind, body and spirit through integrative artistic and holistic life experiences that support creativity and human development.

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